This is me and Abby working on a baby quilt for my new grandbaby. Notice how calm we appear. This was before we heard there was another hurricane in the gulf. Anxiety Annie...that should be my nickname, I an a ninny when it comes to storms that contain the following: wind, rain, lightening, and thunder...and did I mention wind, rain, lightening, and thunder....???
WEll somehow I got the picture on here twice...not what I wanted to do.
Ike is coming. We are warned of the following: Be prepared to evacuate with your patient's on a "volunteer" basis. (yeah right), you must report for work prepared for lock-in (in other words...once ya get here ya ain't going home...no matter what!). If you evacuate...you have a ride in an ambulance to a sister hospital where you will be responsible for a patient that is shipped....do not know if you will have a ride back in an ambulance or not...that is not known....you may know where you are going...you may not. You may have clean clothes with you, you may not, you will be responsible to pay for your own meals...if there are meals available (so take card, cash and extra undies kiddies...it might get rough!) When you get to the sister facility...you may or may not have a place to sleep (so are we taking care of the patient 24 hours a day for how long....and if we go to sleep after 36 hours or so is that a cause to be suspended or lose your nursing license??? or is that common sense?) or you stay at your facility...with admits pouring in because anybody with a chronic condition that is afraid to evac...like hemodialysis patients and patients on C-pap's (no electricity and every body panics)...so you may be caring for twice the patient's with half the helf and everybody is totally needy, and they bring oodles of family with them (who cannot be turned away). I understand everybody wants to be safe. But, when I report to work I leave my husband to fend for himself with three dogs in a mobile home in a least a Cat 3, and we know a Cat 3 and mobiles don't mix....I'm trying to talk him into evac before the storm to Austin or San Antonio so he can get a room, and be my rock in the storm when I evac to the same town...(I'll insist...I think), and I know I'll have a ride home...and I won't be so scared....of the wind, rain, lightening, and so on and so forth.....
Then of course there is the best case scenerio...it goes North and hits somebody else...but then that's where my son, daughter-in-law and grandson live...could be it would trace North....How selfish would it be to pray it go South of the Rio Grande???? The people there have nothing...no hurricane supplies, no government support, and they live in shacks...even I could not be so selfish....So.................
Anxienty Annie is praying for a miracle...that it peters out into a little ol' tropical storm Ike with a lot of rain and a lot of miracle in the thunder and that no body gets hurt or loses their homes.
Ohhh.... I'm so sorry.... We Louisianans told "Ike to take a Hike" and for once, a storm listened. I said a prayer for where he lands.
During Gustav, Sally (a good friend and nurse at Oschner Hospital) stayed for the duration of the storm. They were good to their nurses, as they had a room for them at the hospital and then afterwards, I think they own a building next to the hospital and they put the staff up there, which had more room and accommodations.
The medical staff takes care of everyone and hospital needs to take care of the medical staff. Saying a prayer for you and sending Hugs...
Thank you for commenting on my blog. The reason you probably put 2 pics on your blog is because your hands were shaking from IKE coming. I pray you are safe and not under too much pressure with your job. Maybe they will give you the 3 comatose little old ladies that don't require very much medical attention.
Thinking of you whenever I watch the weather coverage. It looks like Ike is coming ashore as I speak. Be safe, use good judgement and promise to take care of yourself when this is done. You're in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there!
Hopefully since it hit Houston/Galveston, you didn't get too much wind and rain cause you were on the west side of the storm, I hope, I hope. Please let me know how you are as soon as you can. I have a friend in Houston and I am worried about her as well. Ginger, I am praying everything is okay for you and yours.
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