Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Beautiful Day to Be alive

OK, so I am feeling optimistic today, very optimistic. I went yesterday to get the ta-ta's squished...and a cold read showed "normal". This made me very relieved as I've been having a problem for a couple of months now...and just finally gave in to going to the doctor. I have to go back next week. Maybe the fix will be something as simple as a hormone adjustment. You know us women, we think of the worst possible scenario's when anything is going wrong. I had decided if there was any cutting to be done I would op for that procedure where they pull the tummy up and use your own fat for reconstruction. Then if I had to have any medicine that would make my hair fall out I wanted to cut my hair and have a wig made out of it. Yes, I flew all up and down the scale of absurbity. So, here I sit .... optimistic and relieved.


Aleta said...

Oh my gosh, your emotions must have been off the chart! And wow - I love the ideas you had should it be a worse case scenario. I'll have to remember this "if" that should ever happen. Never been in for a mammogram. I'm due though and don't like the thought of getting them squished!!!

Debbie Y. said...

It's great to be able to just sit there optimistic and relieved. Glad everything was AOK.

Reddirt Woman said...

Keep the positive thoughts going on. As you know positive thinking people have less illnesses.

The cold read will hold up!! That's my thinking.


Reddirt Woman said...

Got some Hoochy MaMa Jewelry to give away for my 100th post. Come check it out.


Reddirt Woman said...

Okay... what have you heard on your test results. The docs have had time to read it. There are times to leave us hanging (as it were) and times to follow up. I hope you are having a great week and I hope you're warm.
