1. I am so uninformed that I do not know how to pick up an award or post it on my page.
2. I truely and honestly love my hubby with all my heart.
3. I hate to clean closets...even when forced.
4. My worst Christmas was when I was 13 and my step-father CLYDE made us clean closets after we opened our Christmas presents. I remember crying the whole time. It was absolute torture!
5. Three people who have died I did not cry for...and maybe even deep in my heart I was a little glad they were gone and couldn't hurt anybody else. One died of old age, one died because he was murdered (couldn't have happened to a better person) and one I blogged about died in a one-man roll over alcohol induced accident.
6. I love vanilla ice cream...plain...no sprinkles...no chocolate...no frills.
7. I love my two boys totally.
8. I love being a nurse...although sometimes I burn out and want to veg at home.
9. I have a love / hate relationship with my mother...and have to BITE my tongue every time I talk to her (and chant in my head...remember she is old and humor her...remember she is in Kentucky and can't control you...remember that she is old and humor her..)
10. I love wearing bikini's even though God knows I'm 50 lbs too heavy and 25 years too old to do so. Thank God for backyards!
Now I nominate for the "Scrape Award"
darn...how the heck do you insert blog-sites in here?????
Head Nurse
Thoughts from the Nightshift
Red Dirt Woman
Wonderful World of Weiners
Blender Kimmy
darn, I cannot remember anybody else right now.